Sunday, September 28, 2008

Photography Assignment - Night Shoot

I'm blogging a little out of order, but this was our fourth assignment and it consisted of going out as a class at night and shooting in Santa Monica. We practiced shooting with only available/natural light. It was a blast, and great to have the instructor and classmates all shooting together. Here are some of my favorite shots.

The ferris wheel was letting off some amazing colorful light and added a nice highlight to the already beautiful beaches!

I know it's a lot of the same thing, but I loved them!

And now, to the other side of the pier! More beach action..Notice the ghost figures..

Then on to the streets to capture some traffic shots. I love this one...a bus!

Then up to the 3rd street promenade. Diggin this one. That's actually water spewing out of this guy's mouth.